We know that no situation is the same and everyone is at different stage in their journey, so where ever you are, we can provide emotional support and if you are not ready to leave we can give practical advice around safety at home.
If you are starting to think about how you can leave we are here to help you plan leaving safely. If you have left we can support your recovery.
We offer a large range of services, if there is something specific that may help you please ask but here are some of the services we offer:
- Advice and support by phone or email – both practical and emotional support and information.
- We provide women only spaces and that female survivors will be allocated a female worker.
- Recovery Support Groups for Adults such as Hope 2 Recovery and Power to Change.
- Finding refuge spaces for you, and your children.
- A property security assessment and locks changed (this is not available to all clients, only those assessed as high risk).
- Accompanying you to appointments such as court proceedings (this depends on if we have capacity with our trained volunteers).
- Recovery support for children that have experienced domestic abuse (we have limited capacity and children must not be living with the alleged perpetrator).
- Awareness raising of domestic abuse and training within business, education and the community.
If we can’t help with something we will be able to put you in touch with a caring agency or organisation that will be able to help.